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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World by Imran Hosein: A Critical Overview


Imran N. Hosein, a prominent Islamic scholar known for his expertise in Islamic eschatology (the study of the end times), has offered a unique interpretation of the Quranic and Hadith-based accounts of Gog and Magog (Ya’juj and Ma’juj). His book "An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World" explores these mysterious entities within the context of modern geopolitics and contemporary global affairs. Hosein’s work, drawing from both traditional Islamic sources and modern socio-political developments, provides a thought-provoking lens through which Muslims—and others—can understand these prophetic signs in light of current world events.

This article aims to delve into the key themes of Hosein’s interpretation of Gog and Magog, examining his views on their identity, their role in global politics, and how their influence manifests in today’s world.

The Islamic Foundation for Understanding Gog and Magog

In the Islamic tradition, Gog and Magog are mentioned both in the Quran and the Hadith. The Quran speaks of them primarily in Surah Al-Kahf (18:83-99), where Zulqarnain (often identified with a powerful ruler such as Alexander the Great or Cyrus the Great) builds a barrier to contain them, preventing them from wreaking havoc on the world. They are again referenced in Surah Al-Anbiya (21:96), which describes a time in the future when this barrier will be breached, allowing Gog and Magog to spread across the earth. In the Hadith, Gog and Magog are depicted as a vast and destructive force that will emerge in the end times, bringing chaos before the Day of Judgment.

Imran Hosein begins his analysis by anchoring his interpretation in these foundational Islamic texts. However, what sets him apart from many scholars is his emphasis on the need for understanding the metaphysical and symbolic nature of Gog and Magog, rather than focusing solely on their literal emergence. According to Hosein, Gog and Magog represent not only two tribes of people but also broader forces of destruction and corruption that are actively shaping the world today.

The Identity of Gog and Magog in the Modern World

Hosein’s central thesis is that Gog and Magog, while rooted in Islamic eschatology, can be identified with major global powers, particularly the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance. He argues that the technological, military, and economic dominance of Western nations, and their increasingly pervasive influence over global affairs, are the modern manifestations of the Quranic prophecy of Gog and Magog.

Hosein posits that the modern world is witnessing the rise of forces that are systematically dismantling moral and ethical structures, spreading a godless materialism and greed that underpins capitalism, secularism, and global financial systems. For him, Gog and Magog represent this hegemonic power that seeks to dominate the world politically, economically, and militarily, with no regard for spiritual or moral consequences.

His interpretation points particularly to the rise of Zionism and the state of Israel as crucial to the fulfillment of the Gog and Magog prophecy. Hosein often associates modern Israel with Gog and Magog, suggesting that the aggressive expansion of Israeli territory and its geopolitical influence align with the prophesied role of these entities in creating widespread strife and corruption. He interprets the unbreakable alliance between Israel, the United States, and Britain as symbolic of the interconnectedness of Gog and Magog in the modern era.

Western Civilization as Gog and Magog's World Order

A significant part of Hosein's argument is his critique of Western civilization. He contends that Western culture, with its foundations in secularism, individualism, and capitalism, represents the corrupting influence of Gog and Magog. The spread of Western values, particularly through the global media, financial institutions, and military interventions, is seen by Hosein as evidence of the fulfillment of the prophecy.

He argues that the moral decay witnessed across the globe—manifested in the breakdown of family structures, the rise of sexual immorality, and the abandonment of religious principles—is a consequence of the unchecked spread of Western ideologies. In Hosein’s view, these developments are not merely political or cultural shifts but are part of a larger spiritual battle between good and evil, with Gog and Magog leading the forces of darkness.

Hosein’s interpretation also delves into the economic dimension of this world order, particularly the dominance of the global banking system. He sees the international financial system, driven by interest-based banking and economic exploitation, as a key tool of Gog and Magog’s influence. By trapping nations and individuals in cycles of debt and dependency, Hosein argues, the financial system ensures that the moral corruption of Gog and Magog spreads to every corner of the globe.

The Role of Modern Technology and Surveillance

In his discussion of Gog and Magog, Hosein also addresses the role of modern technology, especially in relation to surveillance and control. He interprets the pervasive surveillance apparatuses that have emerged in recent years—through digital technologies, social media, and state surveillance—as instruments of Gog and Magog.

Hosein is particularly concerned with how these technologies are used to manipulate and control populations, stripping away individual freedoms and subjecting people to a form of digital tyranny. He sees this as part of a broader agenda to create a world in which a small elite, embodying the characteristics of Gog and Magog, exercises unchecked power over the masses.

The surveillance state, according to Hosein, is part of a divine trial, testing the faith and resilience of believers. He encourages Muslims to resist these systems of control by returning to authentic Islamic teachings and rejecting the materialism and moral decay that are being propagated by the forces of Gog and Magog.

The Spiritual Dimension and the End Times

At the heart of Hosein’s interpretation is a spiritual message. While he acknowledges the physical and geopolitical manifestations of Gog and Magog, he emphasizes that the real battle is a spiritual one. Hosein urges Muslims to remain steadfast in their faith, to return to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and to prepare for the trials of the end times.

In his analysis, the emergence of Gog and Magog is a sign of the approaching end of the world, and the ultimate destruction of their corrupt world order is inevitable. However, this does not mean that believers should be passive. Hosein calls for a spiritual awakening among Muslims, a return to authentic Islamic values, and a rejection of the secular materialism that has come to dominate modern life.

He believes that while the forces of Gog and Magog may seem invincible, their power is ultimately fleeting, and their downfall will be a sign of the nearing Day of Judgment. The victory of truth over falsehood, as prophesied in Islamic eschatology, is central to Hosein’s message, offering hope for those who remain steadfast in their faith.


Imran Hosein’s "An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World" provides a compelling interpretation of the Quranic and Hadithic prophecies concerning these enigmatic entities. By linking the ancient prophecies to modern geopolitics, Western civilization, and technological advancements, Hosein offers a framework through which Muslims can understand the profound changes taking place in the world today.

His interpretation challenges both Muslim and non-Muslim audiences to reflect on the spiritual and moral dimensions of global power structures, urging a return to a more ethical and spiritually grounded way of life. For Hosein, the story of Gog and Magog is not just a tale of destruction but also a call to moral and spiritual resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

According to Joel Richardson, the Biblical Antichrist Will Be a Muslim: An Exploration of His Argument

Joel Richardson, a prominent author, speaker, and filmmaker, is known for his provocative interpretation of Biblical prophecy, particularly his view that the Antichrist, the central figure of evil in Christian eschatology, will arise from a Muslim background. His thesis, elaborated in books such as The Islamic Antichrist and Mideast Beast, challenges traditional interpretations that have historically focused on a European or Roman origin for the Antichrist. Instead, Richardson contends that the Antichrist will emerge from the Islamic world, a view that has stirred considerable debate among theologians, prophecy scholars, and laypeople alike.

This article will delve into the key points of Richardson's argument, exploring how he connects Islamic eschatology, Biblical prophecy, and contemporary geopolitics to assert that the Antichrist will be a Muslim. We will also examine the critiques of his perspective, weighing the scriptural and theological validity of his claims.

Joel Richardson's Central Thesis: The Islamic Antichrist

At the heart of Richardson's argument is the belief that the Antichrist, described in the Bible as a figure of immense power who will deceive the world and lead it into rebellion against God, will be a Muslim leader. This is a significant departure from the traditional view, which often associates the Antichrist with a Western or European origin, influenced by interpretations that identify him with the "revived Roman Empire." Richardson, however, argues that such interpretations overlook the role of the Middle East, particularly Islam, in eschatological prophecy.

Key Biblical Passages and Islamic Eschatology

Richardson bases his argument on several key Biblical passages, particularly those found in the books of Daniel and Revelation, as well as Islamic eschatological traditions. One of the central texts he refers to is Daniel 9:26-27, which speaks of "the people of the prince who is to come" destroying the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary. Traditionally, this has been understood to refer to the Romans, who destroyed the Temple in A.D. 70. However, Richardson posits that the "people" in question were not ethnically Roman but rather the Middle Eastern soldiers from the Roman legions, many of whom were recruited from the provinces of Syria, Arabia, and other regions where Islam would later dominate.

In Revelation 13, Richardson points to the description of the Beast, which emerges from the sea, a metaphor often used to symbolize chaotic, Gentile nations. He suggests that the characteristics of the Beast align with those of a powerful, charismatic leader from the Muslim world who will unite the Islamic nations under his authority, eventually leading them in a campaign against Israel and the West.

Richardson also draws heavily on Islamic eschatology to bolster his case. Islamic traditions contain prophecies about the coming of a figure known as the Mahdi, a messianic leader who is expected to unite the Muslim world, defeat the enemies of Islam, and establish a global caliphate. Richardson argues that the Islamic Mahdi bears striking similarities to the Biblical Antichrist, suggesting that the Muslim world will accept the Antichrist as their savior and leader. In this way, Richardson contends that Islamic eschatology and Biblical prophecy are in direct opposition: what Muslims perceive as their messianic figure, Christians will recognize as the Antichrist.

The Role of the Middle East in Biblical Prophecy

A crucial aspect of Richardson's thesis is his emphasis on the Middle East as the focal point of Biblical prophecy. He argues that much of traditional Christian eschatology has been skewed by a Western-centric perspective that places Europe, particularly Rome, at the center of end-times events. Richardson, however, asserts that the Bible consistently points to the Middle East—especially the nations surrounding Israel—as the key players in the final drama of human history.

In Mideast Beast, Richardson makes the case that the ancient empires described in the Bible—Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome—were all centered around the Middle East. He further contends that the final empire, the one led by the Antichrist, will also have its base in the Islamic world, with a coalition of Muslim-majority nations coming together under the leadership of the Antichrist. He references passages such as Ezekiel 38-39, which describe a coalition of nations led by Gog from the land of Magog, coming against Israel in the last days. Many scholars have identified these nations with regions in the Middle East and Central Asia, which aligns with Richardson’s focus on an Islamic-led coalition.

The Antichrist's Characteristics and Islam

Richardson also emphasizes the Antichrist's characteristics as described in the Bible, arguing that they closely align with the principles and goals of radical Islam. For instance, in Daniel 11:37, the Antichrist is described as one who "will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women." Richardson interprets this as suggesting a leader who rejects traditional religious values, possibly reflecting the strict, anti-Western and anti-Judeo-Christian stance of radical Islam. He also connects this to the patriarchal nature of some interpretations of Islamic law, particularly within extremist groups that oppress women and uphold rigid gender norms.

Additionally, in Revelation 20:4, the Antichrist’s reign is marked by the beheading of those who refuse to worship him, a punishment that Richardson notes is consistent with the methods used by radical Islamic groups such as ISIS. He suggests that this passage foreshadows the rise of an Islamic empire led by the Antichrist, which will enforce its rule through extreme violence and coercion.

Geopolitical Implications

Richardson’s interpretation has significant geopolitical implications, particularly in light of the tensions between the Islamic world and the West. He argues that the rise of radical Islam, the increasing influence of Iran, and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East are not merely geopolitical issues but are deeply tied to Biblical prophecy. The Antichrist, according to Richardson, will capitalize on the turmoil in the region, using it as a platform to rise to power.

He also warns that the Western Church must be prepared for the possibility that the Antichrist will not come from a secular, European background, but from the Islamic world. This, he argues, will require Christians to rethink their approach to Islamic relations and eschatology, recognizing that Islam is not merely another religion but could play a central role in the final conflict between good and evil as foretold in the Bible.

Critiques of Richardson's View

Richardson’s thesis has garnered both interest and criticism. Many traditional prophecy scholars argue that his interpretation stretches the Biblical text and imposes modern political concerns onto ancient prophecies. For instance, critics argue that the Antichrist's rise is described as being connected to a "revived Roman Empire" in texts like Daniel 7 and Revelation 17, which they believe clearly points to a European, rather than Middle Eastern, origin. Others have raised concerns about the potential for Richardson’s ideas to fuel Islamophobia, suggesting that his focus on Islam as the source of the Antichrist could contribute to negative attitudes toward Muslims in general.

Additionally, some theologians argue that Richardson’s comparison between the Islamic Mahdi and the Biblical Antichrist, while intriguing, is not as strong as he suggests. They point out that the Mahdi is expected to be a righteous figure who brings justice, whereas the Antichrist is characterized by deception and evil.


Joel Richardson’s claim that the Biblical Antichrist will be a Muslim is a bold reinterpretation of traditional eschatological views. By drawing connections between Islamic eschatology, Biblical prophecy, and contemporary geopolitical realities, he presents a case that challenges conventional wisdom and invites Christians to reconsider their understanding of end-times prophecy. Whether one agrees with his conclusions or not, Richardson’s argument adds a compelling layer of discussion to the ongoing debate about the identity and origin of the Antichrist. It underscores the importance of carefully interpreting scripture while remaining cognizant of the global religious and political landscape.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Antichrist (Dajjal) in Imran Hosein's 'Jerusalem in the Quran': An Analysis

Imran N. Hosein, a contemporary Islamic scholar and philosopher, explores the topic of the Antichrist, or Dajjal, in great depth in his book "Jerusalem in the Quran." In this work, Hosein draws upon Islamic eschatology, Quranic verses, and Hadith traditions to offer a comprehensive understanding of the role Dajjal plays in the end times, particularly with respect to Jerusalem and the larger geopolitical context. Hosein's approach is both scholarly and thought-provoking, as he interweaves historical events with prophetic insights, providing readers with a unique perspective on the unfolding of eschatological events.

1. Introduction to Dajjal in Islamic Eschatology

Dajjal, often translated as the "Antichrist," is a central figure in Islamic eschatology, akin to the concept of the Antichrist in Christian theology. In Islamic teachings, Dajjal is portrayed as a false messiah who will emerge near the end of time to deceive humanity and lead them away from the path of righteousness. Imran Hosein places Dajjal at the center of a grand deception that has been gradually unfolding throughout history, culminating in his final emergence.

In "Jerusalem in the Quran," Hosein emphasizes that the concept of Dajjal is not merely an individual figure but represents an entire system of falsehood and deception that aims to control and manipulate the world. According to Hosein, understanding Dajjal requires looking beyond the literal descriptions found in Islamic traditions and instead recognizing the complex, multi-layered nature of this entity's influence on global affairs.

2. The Role of Jerusalem in the Dajjalic Agenda

One of the central themes of "Jerusalem in the Quran" is the pivotal role that Jerusalem plays in the eschatological narrative. Hosein argues that Dajjal's ultimate objective is to establish a false messianic rule over Jerusalem, thereby positioning himself as the true ruler of the world. This belief stems from the fact that Jerusalem holds a unique and sacred status in the Abrahamic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – and is often seen as the spiritual heart of the world.

According to Hosein, Dajjal's journey is marked by three distinct stages, each characterized by the transfer of power to different parts of the world:

The First Stage: Dajjal operates in a metaphorical sense from an "island," which Hosein identifies as Great Britain. During this stage, the British Empire rises to global prominence, spreading its influence and establishing colonial dominance across the world. Hosein suggests that this stage was crucial for laying the foundation of Dajjal's deceptive system.

The Second Stage: Dajjal then moves his center of operations to a "mainland," which Hosein identifies as the United States. The emergence of the U.S. as a global superpower is seen as the next step in Dajjal's plan, extending his influence over global politics, finance, and culture. Hosein argues that the dominance of Western secularism and materialism during this period is indicative of Dajjal's growing power.

The Third and Final Stage: The last stage involves Dajjal's physical emergence in Jerusalem, where he will attempt to establish his rule. According to Hosein, the ongoing geopolitical efforts to control Jerusalem and the rise of Israel as a significant power in the region are signs that this stage is unfolding. Dajjal's goal is to deceive the world into believing that he is the true messiah and rightful ruler of Jerusalem, thereby solidifying his grip on humanity.

3. The Nature of Dajjal’s Deception

Hosein delves deeply into the nature of Dajjal's deception, emphasizing that it operates on multiple levels. Dajjal’s influence is not just confined to religious matters but extends to politics, economics, technology, and culture. The deceptive system that Dajjal propagates seeks to create a world order that is devoid of spirituality and grounded in materialism, secularism, and moral relativism.

a. Economic Control and Riba (Usury)

A significant aspect of Dajjal’s system, as outlined by Hosein, is the use of riba (usury) to control the global economy. In "Jerusalem in the Quran," Hosein explains that the widespread prevalence of usury-based financial systems is one of the key tools used by Dajjal to enslave humanity. The current world economy, driven by interest-based banking and debt, creates a system where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority remain in financial bondage.

Hosein connects this to the prophetic traditions which state that Dajjal will bring with him a "mountain of bread," symbolizing control over resources and sustenance. By controlling the flow of wealth and resources, Dajjal ensures that those who submit to his system are rewarded, while those who resist face economic hardship and deprivation.

b. Technological Advancements and the Illusion of Power

Another dimension of Dajjal’s deception is the use of technology and scientific advancements to create an illusion of power and control. Hosein suggests that Dajjal’s ability to perform "miracles" is made possible through advanced technology, which will be perceived as magic or divine power by those who lack understanding. This, he argues, will be one of the ways Dajjal deceives people into believing in his false messianic identity.

The rapid development of technology, artificial intelligence, and surveillance systems are seen by Hosein as manifestations of Dajjal’s influence, creating a society where individuals are constantly monitored, manipulated, and controlled. The rise of a global digital economy and the increasing dependence on technology for daily life are elements that Hosein identifies as preparatory steps for Dajjal’s eventual emergence.

4. The Spiritual Response to Dajjal

A crucial part of Hosein's narrative is the emphasis on the spiritual defense against Dajjal’s deception. In "Jerusalem in the Quran," he urges Muslims and believers of all faiths to return to authentic spiritual practices, reject materialism, and develop an acute awareness of the times they are living in. Hosein highlights that Dajjal's power lies in his ability to deceive, and the only way to counter this is by nurturing one's spiritual insight (basira) and adhering to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Hosein frequently references a well-known Hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructs Muslims to seek refuge in Surah Al-Kahf (Chapter 18 of the Quran) to protect themselves from the trials of Dajjal. He emphasizes the need to study and understand this chapter, as it contains stories and parables that provide insight into the nature of deception, faith, and endurance in times of trial.

5. The Connection with Modern Geopolitics

One of the most compelling aspects of Hosein's work is his interpretation of modern geopolitical events as signs of Dajjal's influence. He draws connections between the establishment of the State of Israel, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and the Western world's pursuit of power and control as part of Dajjal’s grand design.

Hosein argues that the return of the Jews to Jerusalem and the establishment of a Zionist state are prerequisites for Dajjal's final emergence. He suggests that the unyielding support provided by Western powers to Israel, the marginalization of Palestinian rights, and the drive for a unipolar world order all serve as indicators of the advancing stages of Dajjal’s plan.

6. Conclusion

Imran Hosein’s exploration of the Dajjal in "Jerusalem in the Quran" offers a thought-provoking and comprehensive analysis of how Islamic eschatology intersects with contemporary world events. He presents Dajjal not merely as an individual but as a symbol of a deceptive system that spans economic, political, technological, and spiritual domains. Hosein’s work serves as a call to action for those who seek to understand the reality of the times, urging them to develop spiritual resilience and insight in preparation for the trials that lie ahead.

In "Jerusalem in the Quran," Hosein masterfully weaves together scriptural knowledge, historical analysis, and contemporary events to paint a picture of an unfolding eschatological drama that centers around Jerusalem, serving as a reminder of the profound significance this city holds in the grand scheme of divine destiny.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

On 'Jerusalem in the Quran' by Imran Hosein

"Jerusalem in the Quran" is a book by Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran N. Hosein, where he explores the eschatological significance of Jerusalem in the Quran and Islamic teachings. Imran Hosein is known for his interpretations of Islamic prophecies, geopolitics, and the signs of the End Times (akhirah).

Key Themes of the Book:

In Jerusalem in the Quran, Hosein focuses on how the city of Jerusalem is connected to Islamic eschatology, the end times, and the struggle between good and evil in the world. Here are some of the main points and ideas he explores:

1. Jerusalem as the Center of Eschatology

Hosein emphasizes that Jerusalem plays a central role in Islamic prophecies related to the End Times. He links the current and future events in the city with the Dajjal (the Antichrist in Islamic eschatology), the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus), and the ultimate victory of Imam Mahdi.

He argues that the ongoing political and spiritual struggle over Jerusalem has profound eschatological implications and should be viewed in light of these prophecies.

2. The Role of the Zionist Movement

Hosein sees the establishment of the State of Israel and the Zionist movement as fulfilling certain prophecies in the Quran and Hadith related to the End Times. He believes that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishment of political power there is part of a larger divine plan.

He interprets these developments as setting the stage for the arrival of the Dajjal, whom he considers a key figure in deceiving the world and leading to a climactic showdown between truth and falsehood.

3. The Return of the True Messiah (Jesus)

A major theme in the book is the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus), who, according to Islamic teachings, will come back to defeat the Dajjal and establish justice on earth.

Hosein connects this event to Jerusalem, as Islamic prophecies state that Isa will return near Damascus and eventually lead the faithful in a confrontation in the Holy Land.

4. The Jewish-Christian-Muslim Conflict

He explores the historical and modern tensions between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam over Jerusalem, arguing that the current control of the city by the Jewish state and the involvement of Western Christian powers are also part of the End Times narrative.

According to Hosein, these religious groups are all involved in a larger spiritual struggle that will culminate in Jerusalem.

5. The Role of the Muslim World

Imran Hosein calls on Muslims to recognize the spiritual and eschatological significance of Jerusalem. He believes that the Muslim world, in general, is unaware of the approaching climactic events and warns that Muslims need to prepare for the trials and tribulations that will unfold.

He emphasizes the need for Islamic unity and the revival of Islamic spirituality in the face of these global challenges.

6. The Liberation of Jerusalem

Hosein predicts that Jerusalem will eventually be liberated from Zionist control, and this will coincide with the appearance of Imam Mahdi and the return of Jesus. He interprets this as part of the final victory of Islam over the forces of deception and oppression.

Style and Approach:

Hosein's interpretations are heavily influenced by traditional Islamic eschatology, his study of geopolitics, and his unique understanding of Dajjal and modern events. His writings blend Quranic exegesis with commentary on contemporary political affairs, especially the role of Israel, the West, and the global financial system.

His views are considered controversial by some, as they often present a critical stance on modern political developments and highlight conspiratorial elements, particularly regarding Western involvement in the Middle East.


"Jerusalem in the Quran" by Imran Hosein is a detailed exploration of the spiritual, political, and eschatological role of Jerusalem in Islam. The book suggests that the current events surrounding Jerusalem are deeply tied to the fulfillment of Islamic prophecies about the End Times, the rise of Dajjal, and the eventual triumph of truth through the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus) and Imam Mahdi.

This work has resonated with audiences interested in Islamic eschatology, geopolitics, and the religious dimensions of the ongoing conflict over Jerusalem.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

On 'Genocide in the Holy Land'

The phrase "Genocide in the Holy Land" is highly charged and context-dependent, often linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both sides in this conflict have, at times, accused the other of committing atrocities, and the use of the term "genocide" reflects extreme interpretations of events. To clarify, genocide refers to the systematic extermination of a particular group, as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948).

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Accusations of Genocide

Accusations of genocide often arise from the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly regarding the treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinian and pro-Palestinian groups have described Israel's policies—such as military actions, blockades, and settlement expansion—as attempts to systematically destroy or suppress the Palestinian people.

Gaza Strip: Israel's military actions in Gaza, particularly during the wars of 2008-2009, 2014, and more recently, have resulted in high Palestinian civilian casualties. Critics of Israel describe these actions as disproportionate responses, while some claim they amount to ethnic cleansing or genocide.

Settlement Expansion and Blockade: The ongoing expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza are seen by some as policies designed to displace Palestinians and deny them access to resources, deepening poverty and suffering, which some interpret as genocidal intent.

Counterargument: Israeli Perspective

From Israel's perspective, the use of the term genocide is seen as inflammatory and incorrect. Israeli officials argue that their actions are defensive measures aimed at protecting their civilian population from Hamas and other groups that engage in acts of terrorism. They point out that Israel does not have a policy of exterminating the Palestinian population, and indeed, millions of Palestinians live under varying degrees of Israeli control.

Rocket Attacks: Israel often points to the thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into Israeli territory, arguing that military actions in Gaza are necessary to neutralize these threats.

Two-State Solution Advocacy: Many in Israel support the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, which is not consistent with genocidal intent, though political stalemates and security concerns have complicated these efforts.

International Responses and Legal Considerations

International bodies, including the United Nations and human rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have criticized Israel for what they describe as potential war crimes, violations of international humanitarian law, and possible crimes against humanity. However, labeling the situation as genocide is not universally accepted.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has investigated Israel's actions in the Palestinian territories but has not yet formally categorized them as genocide.

Israeli actions are often framed within a context of occupation, colonization, and apartheid-like policies, though these terms carry their own specific legal definitions distinct from genocide.

Complexity of the Term

It's important to note that genocide is a very specific legal term that does not easily fit the complex dynamics of this conflict, which involves a range of political, historical, and social factors. The conflict is shaped by religious, territorial, and nationalist tensions that have persisted for over a century.

In sum, while the phrase "Genocide in the Holy Land" may be used by certain groups to describe their interpretation of events, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is generally recognized as a nationalistic and territorial struggle rather than a textbook case of genocide as defined by international law.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

On 'Zionism in the Age of the Dictators'

"Zionism in the Age of the Dictators" is a controversial book by Lenni Brenner, first published in 1983. Brenner, a Marxist historian and political activist, explores the relationship between Zionist leaders and various authoritarian regimes during the early and mid-20th century, particularly Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

Main Themes:

Zionist-Nazi Cooperation: One of the book’s most controversial arguments is the suggestion that certain Zionist leaders collaborated with Nazi officials in the 1930s. Brenner discusses the Haavara Agreement, a 1933 pact between the Zionist Federation of Germany and Nazi Germany that allowed for the emigration of German Jews to Palestine in exchange for transferring Jewish assets out of the country.

Critique of Zionist Leadership: Brenner argues that mainstream Zionist leaders at the time prioritized establishing a Jewish state in Palestine over rescuing Jews from Nazi persecution. He criticizes them for not being more actively involved in saving European Jewry during the Holocaust and focuses on the practical compromises they made in their dealings with dictatorial regimes.

Anti-fascist Movements and Jewish Resistance: In contrast to the Zionist leadership, Brenner highlights Jewish resistance movements and leftist groups that opposed both Zionism and fascism. He argues that these groups were more focused on combating totalitarianism than the Zionist organizations were.

Historical Context: Brenner places Zionism within the broader context of European political ideologies at the time, including fascism, socialism, and nationalism. He examines the ways in which Zionist leaders, particularly those in Europe, navigated the rise of dictatorial powers.


The book has been criticized for its provocative claims and selective reading of historical evidence. While it's true that there was contact between some Zionist leaders and the Nazis, most historians view these as attempts at pragmatism under difficult circumstances rather than active collaboration with genocidal regimes.

Brenner's perspective is deeply rooted in left-wing, anti-imperialist critiques of Zionism. As such, it's often referenced in debates about Zionism, Israeli history, and Holocaust studies, but it is not considered a mainstream academic work.


The book was highly controversial upon its release and remains divisive. It has been embraced by some critics of Israel, especially in far-left and anti-Zionist circles, but it has been condemned by many scholars as overly simplistic and misleading.

Brenner's work is still cited today in discussions on the complexities of Zionism's history and its interaction with authoritarian regimes, but readers should approach it with an awareness of its ideological underpinnings and its reception in the broader field of historical scholarship.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

On 'The Hidden History of Zionism'

"The Hidden History of Zionism" is a book by Ralph Schoenman, first published in 1988. The book presents a critical perspective on Zionism, the nationalist movement that led to the establishment of the state of Israel. Schoenman, a controversial figure and a critic of Israeli policies, argues that Zionism is rooted in colonialism and has been responsible for the displacement and oppression of Palestinians.

Key Themes and Arguments:

Zionism as Colonialism: Schoenman argues that Zionism is not a legitimate national liberation movement but a form of European colonialism. He contends that the leaders of Zionism aligned themselves with imperial powers to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, leading to the displacement of the indigenous Palestinian population.

Displacement of Palestinians: The book details the Nakba ("catastrophe" in Arabic), the term Palestinians use to describe the events of 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their homes during the creation of the state of Israel. Schoenman emphasizes that this was not an accidental outcome but a deliberate policy by Zionist leaders.

Role of Western Powers: Schoenman critiques the role of Western powers, particularly Britain and the United States, in supporting Zionist ambitions. He argues that these powers were motivated by strategic interests in the Middle East, including access to oil and the establishment of a Western-aligned state in the region.

Impact on Jewish Identity: The author also discusses how Zionism has influenced Jewish identity and argues that it has distorted traditional Jewish values. He contends that Zionism has equated Jewish identity with the state of Israel, to the detriment of Jewish communities worldwide.

Criticism of Israeli Policies: Schoenman is critical of Israel's policies towards Palestinians, particularly in relation to the occupation of Palestinian territories and the treatment of Palestinian refugees. He argues that these policies are rooted in the ideological framework of Zionism.

Reception and Criticism:

The book is highly controversial and has been criticized by some for its strong anti-Zionist stance and for what some see as an overly simplistic or one-sided portrayal of complex historical events. Supporters, however, praise it for challenging dominant narratives about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for highlighting the experiences and perspectives of Palestinians.

"The Hidden History of Zionism" has been influential in some anti-Zionist circles and among those critical of Israeli policies, but it is also considered polemical and has been rejected by many mainstream historians and scholars of the Middle East.

Importance in the Debate:

The book remains a significant, if polarizing, contribution to the debate over Zionism, Israel, and the Palestinian question. It serves as a reference for those who seek to understand the more critical perspectives on the history and impact of Zionism.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Who is Imran Hosein?

Imran N. Hosein is a well-known Islamic scholar, author, and lecturer, particularly recognized for his interpretations of Islamic eschatology (the study of the end times) and his critical views on modern geopolitical issues. Born in Trinidad in 1942, Hosein has gained a global following, especially among Muslims interested in the intersection of Islamic teachings and contemporary global affairs.

Hosein's work often focuses on the signs of the end times as described in the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad). He is particularly noted for his analysis of the Dajjal (the Antichrist), Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj), and the role of modern Western civilization in what he interprets as the fulfillment of these prophecies. He argues that much of the current global political and economic systems are aligned with the forces of Dajjal.

Imran Hosein is also known for his critical stance on the state of Israel and Zionism, which he views as playing a central role in the unfolding of Islamic eschatological events. He has written extensively on the subject, linking the establishment of Israel and its policies to what he sees as a larger, divinely foretold narrative leading to the end times.

In addition to his eschatological work, Hosein addresses various aspects of Islamic spirituality, law, and economic practices, often emphasizing a return to what he views as authentic Islamic values and practices in contrast to modern innovations that he considers detrimental to the Muslim community.

His lectures, books, and articles have been widely circulated, and he has a significant online presence, with followers who are interested in his interpretations of Islamic teachings in the context of current global issues.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Who is Joel Richardson?

Joel Richardson is a Christian author, speaker, and filmmaker known for his work on Bible prophecy, particularly with a focus on the Middle East and Islamic eschatology. He is a prominent figure in the field of Christian eschatology and often discusses topics related to the end times, the Antichrist, and the role of Islam in biblical prophecy.

Richardson has written several books, including "The Islamic Antichrist," "Mideast Beast," and "Mystery Babylon." His views are often controversial within Christian circles due to his interpretation that the Antichrist will emerge from the Islamic world rather than from a European or Western context, which is a departure from more traditional interpretations of Christian eschatology.

He is also involved in producing documentaries and speaking at conferences, where he discusses his views on prophecy, current events in the Middle East, and their connection to biblical prophecy.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

What does Greater Israel encompass?

"Greater Israel" is a term that has been used in different contexts, often with varying meanings depending on the political, religious, or ideological perspective. It generally refers to a concept of Israel that extends beyond its internationally recognized borders, encompassing a larger territory that some groups believe is part of the historical or biblical Land of Israel.

Key Interpretations of "Greater Israel":

Biblical Interpretation:

Some religious Zionists and certain Jewish groups interpret "Greater Israel" based on biblical descriptions of the land promised to the descendants of Abraham in the Hebrew Bible. This area might include lands from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River in modern-day Iraq, encompassing parts of modern Israel, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and potentially parts of Egypt and Iraq.

Political Interpretation:

In a political context, especially among some right-wing or nationalist factions in Israel, "Greater Israel" might refer to the idea of expanding Israeli sovereignty over all of the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, including the West Bank. This concept was more prominent in the earlier decades of Israel's history but is less commonly advocated by mainstream Israeli politicians today.

Historical Use:

The term has also been used historically by various groups to describe the aspirations for a larger Jewish state, especially in the early Zionist movement. However, over time, the practical focus of most Israeli governments has been on maintaining secure and recognized borders rather than expanding territorially.

Contemporary Relevance:

While "Greater Israel" is a term still occasionally invoked in ideological discussions, it is not an official policy of the Israeli government. Most political discussions today focus on issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, such as the future of the West Bank, rather than expansionist aspirations.

The idea of "Greater Israel" is also used by some of Israel's critics and opponents to suggest that Israel has expansionist aims, though this is typically more of a rhetorical device than a reflection of current policy.

In sum, "Greater Israel" is a concept with varying meanings, primarily rooted in historical, religious, and ideological ideas, rather than a concrete, contemporary political agenda.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Antichrist in Revelation 13 of the Bible

Revelation 13 in the Bible is a key chapter that describes the rise of two beasts, often associated with the concept of the Antichrist. This chapter is rich in symbolic imagery and has been the subject of much interpretation and debate. Here’s a summary of the chapter and its key elements related to the Antichrist:

The First Beast (Revelation 13:1-10)

Origin: The first beast rises out of the sea.

Appearance: It has ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and blasphemous names on its heads.

Power: The dragon (Satan) gives the beast his power, throne, and great authority.

Wound and Recovery: One of its heads appears to have a fatal wound, but the wound is healed, causing the whole world to be amazed and to follow the beast.

Worship: The inhabitants of the earth worship the dragon because he gave authority to the beast, and they also worship the beast.

Blasphemy and Persecution: The beast speaks blasphemous words against God and makes war on the saints, conquering them. It has authority for 42 months.

The Second Beast (Revelation 13:11-18)

Origin: The second beast rises out of the earth.

Appearance: It has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon.

Deception: It exercises all the authority of the first beast and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast.

Miracles: It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in full view of people.

Image of the Beast: It orders the people to set up an image in honor of the first beast and gives breath to the image so it can speak and cause all who refuse to worship it to be killed.

Mark of the Beast: It forces all people to receive a mark on their right hands or foreheads, so that no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name (666).

Symbolism and Interpretation

The Beasts: The first beast is often interpreted as a representation of a powerful political or military leader or empire, while the second beast represents a false prophet or religious leader who supports the first beast.

The Dragon: The dragon, identified as Satan in previous chapters, gives authority to the beasts, linking them to evil.

The Mark of the Beast: The number 666 has been widely discussed and interpreted in various ways, often seen as a symbol of imperfection and rebellion against God.

Themes and Messages

Persecution of Believers: The chapter emphasizes the persecution and trials that believers will face.

Ultimate Triumph of God: Despite the power and influence of the beasts, the broader context of Revelation assures that God's ultimate victory over evil is certain.

These passages have been interpreted in numerous ways throughout history, and they continue to be a significant focus of eschatological studies in Christian theology.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Empire of the Antichrist according to the Bible

The concept of the "Empire of the Antichrist" is often discussed in Christian eschatology, which is the study of the end times. This idea is primarily derived from interpretations of various biblical passages, especially those found in the books of Daniel, Revelation, and 2 Thessalonians. Here is a summary of the key elements associated with the Empire of the Antichrist according to the Bible:

1. Antichrist's Identity and Role

Antichrist: A figure described as the ultimate enemy of Christ who will appear before the end of the world, deceiving many and leading a final rebellion against God.

References: The term "antichrist" is specifically mentioned in 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3, and 2 John 1:7. However, the concept is further expanded in other prophetic books.

2. The Beast and the False Prophet

Revelation: The book of Revelation, particularly chapters 13 and 17, speaks of two beasts. The first beast rises out of the sea, symbolizing a powerful, blasphemous kingdom (often identified with the Antichrist). The second beast, the False Prophet, promotes worship of the first beast.

Daniel's Vision: Daniel 7 describes four beasts representing successive empires, with the final beast being the most terrifying, often associated with the Antichrist's empire.

3. Characteristics of the Empire

Blasphemy and Persecution: The Antichrist's empire will be characterized by blasphemy against God and severe persecution of believers (Revelation 13:5-7).

Deception: The Antichrist will deceive many through signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10).

Global Dominion: The empire will have significant power and influence over many nations (Revelation 13:7).

4. The Mark of the Beast

Economic Control: Revelation 13:16-17 describes the mark of the beast, which will be required for buying and selling, symbolizing economic control and allegiance to the Antichrist.

5. Conflict and Ultimate Defeat

Armageddon: The final battle, where Christ returns to defeat the Antichrist and his forces (Revelation 19:19-21).

Judgment: The Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20).

6. Daniel's Prophecies

The Little Horn: Daniel 7:8 and 7:24-25 describe a "little horn" arising from the fourth beast, often interpreted as the Antichrist, who will speak against the Most High and oppress the saints.

The Abomination of Desolation: Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11 mention an event where the Antichrist will desecrate the temple, known as the abomination of desolation.

7. Paul's Teachings

The Man of Lawlessness: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 speaks of the "man of lawlessness" who will exalt himself above all gods and sit in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

These elements form the basis for the concept of the Empire of the Antichrist in Christian eschatology. Interpretations vary widely among scholars and denominations, with some viewing these descriptions as symbolic of historical events, others as future literal events, and still others as a mix of both.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Israel and Palestine: Is 2 State Solution possible?

The possibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a subject of intense debate and diplomacy for decades. Here are some key factors influencing its feasibility:

Historical Context

1947 UN Partition Plan: Proposed separate Jewish and Arab states, accepted by Jews but rejected by Arabs.

1948 Arab-Israeli War: Led to the establishment of Israel and the displacement of many Palestinians.

1967 Six-Day War: Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, territories considered for a future Palestinian state.

Oslo Accords (1990s): Marked a significant step towards peace, establishing the Palestinian Authority and envisioning a two-state solution.

Current Challenges

Territorial Disputes: Key issues include the borders of the Palestinian state, the status of Jerusalem, and Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Security Concerns: Israel's security needs and Palestinian demands for sovereignty create complex security arrangements.

Political Fragmentation: Internal divisions within both Israeli and Palestinian societies complicate negotiations. For instance, the split between the Palestinian Authority (West Bank) and Hamas (Gaza Strip).

Settlement Expansion: Continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is seen as a major obstacle by Palestinians and much of the international community.

International Involvement: Varied positions of international actors (e.g., U.S., EU, Arab states) influence the dynamics of negotiations.

Arguments For Feasibility

International Support: Broad international consensus and support for a two-state solution.

Economic Incentives: Potential economic benefits for both sides from peace and cooperation.

Demographic Realities: A two-state solution addresses demographic concerns within Israel regarding maintaining a Jewish majority.

Arguments Against Feasibility

Entrenched Positions: Deep-seated mistrust and competing historical narratives.

Geopolitical Changes: Regional dynamics, including changing alliances and conflicts, affect the feasibility.

Settlement Realities: The entrenchment of settlements in the West Bank complicates the establishment of a contiguous Palestinian state.

Recent Developments

Abraham Accords (2020): Normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab countries, potentially altering regional dynamics.

US Policy Shifts: Changes in U.S. administrations affect support and pressure for different solutions.

Violence and Conflicts: Periodic outbreaks of violence hinder progress towards a peaceful resolution.


While the two-state solution remains a widely endorsed framework, its implementation faces significant obstacles. Continuous dialogue, international mediation, and addressing core issues such as borders, security, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem are essential for any progress towards this goal.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

How Zionism drove Palestinians out of their Homeland?

The topic of Zionism and the displacement of Palestinians from their homeland is complex and deeply rooted in historical, political, and social contexts. To understand this fully, we need to explore the origins of Zionism, the history of the Palestinian people, and the series of events that led to the displacement.

Origins of Zionism

Zionism is a nationalist movement that emerged in the late 19th century with the goal of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The movement was founded in response to widespread anti-Semitism in Europe and sought to create a safe and sovereign nation for Jews. Theodor Herzl is often regarded as the father of modern Zionism, advocating for the establishment of a Jewish state in his 1896 book "Der Judenstaat" (The Jewish State).

Jewish Immigration to Palestine

Starting in the late 19th century and continuing into the early 20th century, waves of Jewish immigrants began arriving in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire and later a British Mandate following World War I. These immigrants bought land, often from absentee Arab landowners, and established agricultural settlements.

Growing Tensions

As Jewish immigration increased, tensions between the Jewish and Arab populations in Palestine also grew. Many Palestinian Arabs felt threatened by the growing Jewish presence and feared becoming a minority in their own land. These tensions occasionally erupted into violence, such as during the 1920 Nebi Musa riots and the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt.

The UN Partition Plan and the Creation of Israel

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international control. The Jewish leadership accepted the plan, but the Arab leadership rejected it, leading to further conflict.

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was declared, and the surrounding Arab nations invaded in response, marking the beginning of the Arab-Israeli War. During this conflict, many Palestinians were displaced from their homes.

The Nakba (Catastrophe)

The term "Nakba," meaning catastrophe in Arabic, is used by Palestinians to describe the mass displacement that occurred during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Estimates suggest that between 700,000 and 750,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes. Some left out of fear of violence, while others were forced out by Israeli forces.

Aftermath and Continuing Conflict

The 1948 war ended with armistice agreements, but no permanent peace. The borders of the new state of Israel were established, and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip came under Jordanian and Egyptian control, respectively. However, the Palestinian refugees were not allowed to return to their homes, and their descendants remain in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring Arab countries.

The displacement of Palestinians has continued to be a central issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Efforts to find a solution, such as the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, have yet to bring lasting peace and resolution to the refugee problem.


The displacement of Palestinians from their homeland was driven by a combination of factors, including the rise of Zionism, the response of the Palestinian Arab population, and the broader geopolitical context of the time. The legacy of these events continues to shape the region and its politics to this day.

This summary only scratches the surface of a deeply intricate and contentious history, and interpretations can vary widely depending on perspectives and sources.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Origins of Zionism

Zionism is a nationalist and political movement that supports the re-establishment and development of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, or the region of Palestine). Here is an overview of the origins of Zionism:

Early Foundations

Historical Roots

Religious and Cultural Connections: The Jewish people's historical and religious connection to the land of Israel dates back thousands of years. Jewish liturgy and cultural practices have long expressed the desire to return to Zion (a synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel).

Diaspora: The Jewish diaspora, resulting from successive expulsions and migrations, maintained a strong cultural and spiritual connection to Israel, although the majority lived outside the region for many centuries.

Modern Zionism

19th Century Developments

European Nationalism: The rise of nationalist movements in Europe during the 19th century inspired Jewish intellectuals to consider the idea of a Jewish nation-state.

Persecution and Anti-Semitism: Increasing anti-Semitism and persecution in Europe, particularly in Eastern Europe and Russia, spurred Jewish thinkers to seek a solution to the Jewish plight. Pogroms (violent riots aimed at the massacre or expulsion of Jews) in the Russian Empire during the late 19th century were particularly influential.

Key Figures and Events

Moses Hess: One of the early proponents of modern Zionism, Hess wrote "Rome and Jerusalem" (1862), advocating for the restoration of a Jewish state as a solution to anti-Semitism.

Leo Pinsker: Another early Zionist thinker, Pinsker authored "Auto-Emancipation" (1882), which called for Jewish self-determination and the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

Theodore Herzl: Often regarded as the father of modern political Zionism, Herzl's 1896 pamphlet "Der Judenstaat" ("The Jewish State") argued that the solution to anti-Semitism was the establishment of a Jewish state. Herzl organized the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, which laid the foundation for the World Zionist Organization.

Dreyfus Affair: The wrongful conviction of French Jewish army officer Alfred Dreyfus for treason in 1894 highlighted the persistence of anti-Semitism in Western Europe and influenced Herzl's Zionist convictions.

The Growth of the Movement

Aliyahs (Jewish Immigration): Waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine (known as "aliyahs") began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, motivated by both Zionist ideology and the dire conditions faced by Jews in Europe.

Balfour Declaration (1917): The British government's declaration of support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" was a significant milestone for the Zionist movement.

Mandate for Palestine: Following World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain the Mandate for Palestine, which included the responsibility to implement the Balfour Declaration.

Later Developments

Holocaust: The genocide of six million Jews during World War II underscored the urgent need for a Jewish homeland.

UN Partition Plan (1947): The United Nations proposed the partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, which the Jewish community accepted but the Arab community rejected.

State of Israel (1948): The declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, marked the realization of Zionist aspirations. The subsequent Arab-Israeli conflict continues to shape the region's dynamics.

Zionism has evolved over time, encompassing a range of ideologies and perspectives, including secular and religious Zionism, labor Zionism, and revisionist Zionism. Despite controversies and conflicts, it remains a significant and influential movement in Jewish and global history.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Profile of the 'Christian Evangelist terrorist' George W. Bush

We have compiled here resources on the terrorist activities of Bush, from the US Intelligence planned attack on The Twin Towers on September 11, to slaughtering of millions of innocent civilians in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and recently Lebanon.

For the attention of readers, George W. Bush is a 'born again Christian', the term well known to fundamentalist Masonic Christians, denoting the initiation of new members into their (Masonic) form of Christianity.

The Evangelical Christian Movement of Bush can be traced back to The Crusades and The Knights Templars under whose occupation of Palestine in 1066 A.D., 60,000 Palestinian civilians had been ruthlessly slaughtered. And today, their descendants while holding the highest level of American governmental positions are launching the same Crusades, towards not just Palestine but also Afghanistan, Lebanon and Iraq.

We believe that the American occupation of the Muslim world is just continuation of centuries long Crusades between Anti-messianic Christians and the Muslims.

Truly, The White House is under occupation of Fundamentalist 'Anti-christian' Christians, working in collaboration with Israel. Both together with Iran are waiting for the same Messiah; Christ, Moshiach and The Twelth Imam may possibly be the same person.



2000 Presidential Election
How Bush stole The White House.

Why Bush invaded Iraq
The real reasons behind the occupation of Iraq.

The Apocalypse
The Evangelical Christian influence in The White House.

With God on Our Side
Bush Junior's devotion as an Evangelical Christian and how that influenced his policy towards the Islamic World.

The World according to Bush
Bush as a puppet of the elite behind the scene.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Book 10 Summary > Menanti Imam Ke-12: Peranan Revolusi Iran Di Belakang Tabir Dalam Mempersiapkan Kedatangan Dajjal

Menanti Imam Ke-12


Future Publisher:
PTS Publications

Translated in English as 'Awaiting The Twelth Imam: Hidden Role Of The Iranian Revolution In Preparing The Antichrist'.

The work is not meant to incite hatred between Shiites and Sunnis or adherents to other religions but to raise their awareness, with the hope of building a better world.

Hopefully it will expose the hidden hands behind the current World situations that the International public probably had never even known of, discussing:

The Judaic origins of Shiism. Shiism and Islam are two different religions. Penetration of the Kharijites into Shiism after demise of the Caliph Ali. They were extreme Muslims who had left the mainstream Islamic community and war was declared by Ali against them following advice of the Prophet Muhammad who insisted on killing them for they will be followers of The Antichrist

Prophecy by the Prophet that the Antichrist will appear among the Kharijites. The book traces the religious lineage of present Shiites back to their Kharijite forefathers

Hizbullah's involvement in the killing of innocent civilians of Shabra Shatila. What are they up to now in Lebanon? Are they are trying to ignite the Middle East into potential World War Three and more dangerously attempting to win the attention of the Islamic World?

The secret US-Iran relationships. Enemies in public but friends in private. 'Irangate' scandal touched. Khomeini's path to power eased by the White House. Khomeini's strange beliefs and diversion from true Islamic teachings of the Prophet Muhammad

The mention by the Prophet Muhammad of the appearance of the Antichrist in Isfahan, Iran. Why in Iran, an Islamic fundamentalist state? Not in America?

Many Shiite scholars mentioned that The Twelth Imam, will also be the Messiah of the Jews and the Christians. Will it be the same figure who will appear as The Twelth Imam of the Shiites, Moshiach of the Jews and Christ of the Christians? Will he be the Antichrist?

The prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad in authentic narrations that the Antichrist will appear within the Muslim world (between Syria and Iraq), and not in the West as imagined by many Muslims. Several Biblical scholars argued based on their research that the Beast will come from the Eastern leg of The Roman Empire (now the vast area encompassing Syria, Iraq and Iran). The 3 countries are at present under the tight grip of the Shiite Governments

Situation in Iraq. Countless of Muslims are being slaughtered daily by Shiites, assisted by the Americans

Nostradamus prophesied that the Antichrist will destroy present Christianity and distort beliefs of Islam. Also mention by him of the taking over of Iran by placing a human decoy (Ahmadinajad?) into power and subsequently his future assasination before the Antichrist (Shiite Hidden Imam?) appears on the scene. The Hojjatieh Society, a secret society now controlling President Ahmadinajad and all levels of the Iranian Government, having philosophy very much similar to Freemasonry, one motto being 'creation of order before chaos to hasten the arrival of the Hidden Imam'

The Author's views regarding future World events in chronological order:
1) Appearance of the true Imam Mahdi appearing from Madinah, leading the World into Global peace and prosperity and paving the way for the second coming of Christ
2) World War 3 will erupt in the Middle East, wiping out both Middle Eastern Zionist and Islamic Worlds
3) Emergence of Iran as the new Superpower in the Middle East with support of the Antichrist appearing as 'The Twelth Imam'. The Antichrist will use Iran, not America as his stepstone, in order to confuse the minds of the believing people
4) Appearance of the Antichrist on the global scene after the War as Saviour of Humanity, appearing simultaneously as 'The Twelth Imam' of the Shiites, 'Moshiach' of the Zionists, 'Christ' of the Christians, 'Maitreya' of the Buddhists and Saviour awaited by other religions. Possibility of the present Ecumenical Movement being precursor to the future New World Messianic Religion of the Antichrist
5) The possibility of Greater Israel State being also Greater Shiite State. President Ahmadinajad's rhetoric to 'wipe out' the State of Israel is a charade designed to deceive the Muslims. Will the wiping out be followed by the greater combined Zionist-Shiite State?
6) If prophecies of Nostradamus can be relied, the taking over of Iran by the Antichrist, to be followed by unity of the entire Islamic Nation under him (The Prophet mentioned that majority of his followers will be deceived by 'Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal'), and eventually the merger of the entire Islamic nation with atheistic Russia and China to become the next Superpower. America's influence will be reduced greatly
7) Finally, the Antichrist will be killed at the hands of Jesus Christ who will put an end to tyranny and oppression on the Globe. The Golden Age (The Kingdom of God) will be established with the second coming of Jesus, after destruction of the Antichrist and subsequently Gog Magog. Humanity will embrace Islam in large numbers. Christ will take humanity to the understanding of Islam as originally brought by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions; Islam that is pure from polytheism and innovations and Islam that promotes advancement in spirituality as well as economy, business, science and technology

Friday, June 7, 2024

Book 7 Summary > Islam Dan Syiah: Membezakan Islam Yang Dibawa Nabi Muhammad Daripada Islam Ciptaan Dajjal

Islam Dan Syiah


Future Publisher:
PTS Publications

Translated as 'Islam And Shiism: Differentiating Islam Of The Prophet From Islam Of The Antichrist'.

The work is intended to define intellectually Islam in its pure and pristine form brought by the Prophet Muhammad to his companions and differentiate it from Shiism; initially a political movement in support of the Caliph Ali but subsequently turned into a cult and finally a religion on its own. Up to this day, Shiites are still mistakenly considered Muslims, either by Muslims themselves or by adherents to other faiths.

The differences between Islam and Shiism are crucial in comprehending matters pertaining to the Antichrist and the end times, as in accordance with several authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad, the Antichrist will make his appearance visible initially within the Muslim Arab world, in the view of the author, claiming to be the Imam representing Pan-Islamic countries.

The author will prove academically how Shiism owes its origins to Judaism by way of conversion to Islam, a Yemenite Jewish rabbi called Abdullah Ibn Saba' who intended to destroy the Islamic community internally, and later amalgamation of elements from other religions like Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Babylonian paganism.

The book discusses:

What really occured during the turmoil eras of the Caliphs Umar, Usman and Ali

The meetings between the Caliph Ali and Abdullah Ibn Saba', the founder of Shiism (as a religion)

The infiltration of Ibn Saba' and his Judaic co-conspirators into the Caliph Ali's 'syiah' or party transforming it from a movement that favours Ali but simultaneously respecting other companions into a movement that deifies Ali and slandering all companions except a few

The early Kufan Shiites' pledge of allegiance to Imam Hussein and his family members in defiance of Yazid's dictatorship, but eventually betraying him leading to his martyrdom in the Battle of Karbalah, along with other members of the Prophet's family

Revenge of the Zoroastrian Iranians towards Umar Al-Khattab for destroying the last stronghold of the Persian empire and how the enmity translated into alliance with Ibn Saba' and his Jewish collaborators, strengthening position of Shiism

All the Imams of Shiism, except The Twelth Imam had no relations with Shiism. They were pious Muslims with sound creed, and had been used to justify existence of the religion. Numerous fabricated traditions had been attributed to those 11 Imams

Islam as originally brought by the Prophet and inherited by his companions and other pious predecessors. This is 'Al-Islam' mentioned by Allah in the last verse of the Quran; Islam that is pure from polytheism and religious innovations

The Islamic nation became divided into diverse denominations solely because of divergence from the original Islam of the Prophet. Muslims must return to 'Al-Islam' of the pious predecessors in order to protect themselves from the tribulation of the Antichrist, and eventually succeed in the next world

The author is still researching as to when and how the Antichrist managed to infiltrate into Partisanship of Ali ('Syiah li Ali') to take control of the movement and eventually turned Shiism into his stronghold having Judeo-Christian, Zoroastrian and Babylonian paganistic elements with Islam as its outward form

The Antichrist according to authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad. Who is he? Had anyone ever met him in person? When will he appear? With whom?

The Antichrist according to the Bible and prophecies of Nostradamus

The significance of Chapter of the Cave of the Quran. Who is Zulqarnain mentioned by the Quran?

Religions of the Antichrist. Apart from Islam, what are the other faiths that he had penetrated and corrupted?

Research on the characteristics of The Twelth Imam and how they resemble those of Moshiach of the Jews. Will the Antichrist appear as both The Twelth Imam and Moshiach of the Shiites and the Jews respectively?

The author is of the opinion that after winning the attention of the Jews and the Zionists as their 'Moshiach', The Twelth Imam will make his outrageous claim as a Prophet of God and finally God Himself, having his own Day of Resurrection and bringing his images of Paradise and Hell everywhere around the globe, entering every city on the planet except Makkah and Madinah

Significance of the 1979 Iranian Revolution as a stepping stone for the Antichrist to globally launch his revolution in conquering the whole globe. Secret role of the United States behind the revolution

Call for all Muslims to focus first on the correct creed of the Prophet and his companions before delving into other areas of Islam like politics, economics, jihad and Islamic caliphate

The Antichrist will use Shiism to take Muslims to his 'Paradise'. And it is a terrifying phenomenon that propagators of Shiism are everywhere today in the Muslim world spreading Shiism under the guise of spreading Islam and exporting the Islamic revolution

Islam is evolutionary, not revolutionary

The Antichrist according to sound Prophetic traditions, will be able to unify neo-Kharijites (Al-Qaeda?), with the Zionists, Shiites and other anti-Islamic forces. Islam will be attacked inside out at the time of the Antichrist

As a conclusion, Shiism has been for centuries a plot of the Antichrist to destroy Islam from within. It is a cancer within the Islamic nation. Shiism and Islam are two different faiths that can never meet. Islam is from the Creator Himself while Shiism is from the Antichrist who will make false claim to be the Creator.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Book 8 Summary > Segitiga Berdarah Dajjal: Hubungan Rahsia Amerika, Iran Dan Israel Dalam Mempersiapkan Kedatangan Dajjal

Segitiga Berdarah Dajjal


Future Publisher:
PTS Publications

Translated as 'Bloody Antichrist Triangle: Secret Relationship Of America, Iran And Israel In Preparing The Antichrist'.

The work is intended to expose secret relationships of the United States, Iran and Israel in paving the way for the Antichrist. It is a sincere effort by the author to reveal what lie behind the seemingly hostile relations between the 3 regional powers.

The author will touch among others:

Iran-Israel historical ties, from the ancient times until now. Based on the Old Testament

Role of Cyrus the Great in saving the ancient Babylonian Jews. The emperor was considered 'Moshiach' or Messiah by many Jews despite his Aryan descent. Is he 'Zulqarnain' of the Quran?

Birth of Islam. Fall of the Persian empire, subjugated by Islam under the Caliph Umar Al-Khattab's reign

Anger of the Persians towards the new Islamic empire translated into alliance with the Jews, collaborating with Abdullah Ibn Saba' and his followers as well as the Kufan Arabs, in forming basis of Shiism, as a religio-political movement, using 'love of the Prophet's family' to deceive Muslims

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Antichrist and Gog & Magog in Christianity

In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist and Gog & Magog are significant figures or entities associated with end-time events. Their roles and interpretations vary across different Christian traditions, but they both symbolize opposition to God and ultimate defeat in the apocalyptic narrative.

The Antichrist

The Antichrist is commonly understood as a figure who appears before the end of the world, embodying evil and opposing Christ. The term "Antichrist" appears in the New Testament, specifically in the epistles of John:

1 John 2:18 - "Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come."

1 John 2:22 - "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son."

1 John 4:3 - "And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already."

2 John 1:7 - "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist."

While the term "Antichrist" is explicitly used in these letters, the concept is also linked to other biblical passages, particularly in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel:

Revelation 13 describes two beasts: one rising out of the sea and the other out of the earth, which are often interpreted as the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 mentions the "man of lawlessness" or "son of perdition" who exalts himself against God, a figure often identified with the Antichrist.

The Antichrist is typically viewed as a singular malevolent leader who will deceive many, persecute Christians, and create a period of tribulation before being ultimately defeated by Christ at His Second Coming.

Gog and Magog

Gog and Magog appear in both the Old and New Testaments as symbols of nations opposed to God, often associated with end-times prophecy:

Ezekiel 38-39 - These chapters describe Gog of the land of Magog, a leader who will invade Israel from the north but will be defeated by God. This passage is often interpreted as a prophecy about a future invasion of Israel by a coalition of nations.

Revelation 20:7-10 - After the thousand-year reign of Christ, Satan is released and will deceive the nations, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle against the "camp of the saints and the beloved city." This final rebellion is swiftly defeated by God.

The identity of Gog and Magog has been the subject of much interpretation. In Ezekiel, Gog is often seen as a prince or leader, while Magog represents his land or people. In Revelation, they are symbolic of the nations of the world that are deceived by Satan into making a final stand against God.


Historical and Futurist Views

Historicist Interpretation: Some Christians interpret these figures as symbolic representations of historical forces opposed to Christianity throughout the church's history.

Futurist Interpretation: Others, especially within premillennialist frameworks, view these prophecies as future events. They expect a literal Antichrist who will appear in the end times and lead a global rebellion against Christ. Similarly, Gog and Magog are seen as future geopolitical entities that will oppose God's people in a final, climactic battle.

Theological Significance

Antichrist: Represents ultimate human rebellion and apostasy, embodying the pinnacle of evil and opposition to Christ.

Gog and Magog: Symbolize the collective opposition of the nations against God, highlighting the recurring theme of God's ultimate victory over evil.


Both the Antichrist and Gog & Magog play pivotal roles in Christian eschatology, symbolizing the final confrontation between good and evil. While interpretations vary, the consistent theme across Christian thought is the eventual triumph of God over all opposition, affirming the hope and assurance of divine victory and justice in the end times.