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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Profile of the 'Christian Evangelist terrorist' George W. Bush

We have compiled here resources on the terrorist activities of Bush, from the US Intelligence planned attack on The Twin Towers on September 11, to slaughtering of millions of innocent civilians in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and recently Lebanon.

For the attention of readers, George W. Bush is a 'born again Christian', the term well known to fundamentalist Masonic Christians, denoting the initiation of new members into their (Masonic) form of Christianity.

The Evangelical Christian Movement of Bush can be traced back to The Crusades and The Knights Templars under whose occupation of Palestine in 1066 A.D., 60,000 Palestinian civilians had been ruthlessly slaughtered. And today, their descendants while holding the highest level of American governmental positions are launching the same Crusades, towards not just Palestine but also Afghanistan, Lebanon and Iraq.

We believe that the American occupation of the Muslim world is just continuation of centuries long Crusades between Anti-messianic Christians and the Muslims.

Truly, The White House is under occupation of Fundamentalist 'Anti-christian' Christians, working in collaboration with Israel. Both together with Iran are waiting for the same Messiah; Christ, Moshiach and The Twelth Imam may possibly be the same person.



2000 Presidential Election
How Bush stole The White House.

Why Bush invaded Iraq
The real reasons behind the occupation of Iraq.

The Apocalypse
The Evangelical Christian influence in The White House.

With God on Our Side
Bush Junior's devotion as an Evangelical Christian and how that influenced his policy towards the Islamic World.

The World according to Bush
Bush as a puppet of the elite behind the scene.

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