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Thursday, September 19, 2024

On 'Jerusalem in the Quran' by Imran Hosein

"Jerusalem in the Quran" is a book by Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran N. Hosein, where he explores the eschatological significance of Jerusalem in the Quran and Islamic teachings. Imran Hosein is known for his interpretations of Islamic prophecies, geopolitics, and the signs of the End Times (akhirah).

Key Themes of the Book:

In Jerusalem in the Quran, Hosein focuses on how the city of Jerusalem is connected to Islamic eschatology, the end times, and the struggle between good and evil in the world. Here are some of the main points and ideas he explores:

1. Jerusalem as the Center of Eschatology

Hosein emphasizes that Jerusalem plays a central role in Islamic prophecies related to the End Times. He links the current and future events in the city with the Dajjal (the Antichrist in Islamic eschatology), the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus), and the ultimate victory of Imam Mahdi.

He argues that the ongoing political and spiritual struggle over Jerusalem has profound eschatological implications and should be viewed in light of these prophecies.

2. The Role of the Zionist Movement

Hosein sees the establishment of the State of Israel and the Zionist movement as fulfilling certain prophecies in the Quran and Hadith related to the End Times. He believes that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishment of political power there is part of a larger divine plan.

He interprets these developments as setting the stage for the arrival of the Dajjal, whom he considers a key figure in deceiving the world and leading to a climactic showdown between truth and falsehood.

3. The Return of the True Messiah (Jesus)

A major theme in the book is the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus), who, according to Islamic teachings, will come back to defeat the Dajjal and establish justice on earth.

Hosein connects this event to Jerusalem, as Islamic prophecies state that Isa will return near Damascus and eventually lead the faithful in a confrontation in the Holy Land.

4. The Jewish-Christian-Muslim Conflict

He explores the historical and modern tensions between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam over Jerusalem, arguing that the current control of the city by the Jewish state and the involvement of Western Christian powers are also part of the End Times narrative.

According to Hosein, these religious groups are all involved in a larger spiritual struggle that will culminate in Jerusalem.

5. The Role of the Muslim World

Imran Hosein calls on Muslims to recognize the spiritual and eschatological significance of Jerusalem. He believes that the Muslim world, in general, is unaware of the approaching climactic events and warns that Muslims need to prepare for the trials and tribulations that will unfold.

He emphasizes the need for Islamic unity and the revival of Islamic spirituality in the face of these global challenges.

6. The Liberation of Jerusalem

Hosein predicts that Jerusalem will eventually be liberated from Zionist control, and this will coincide with the appearance of Imam Mahdi and the return of Jesus. He interprets this as part of the final victory of Islam over the forces of deception and oppression.

Style and Approach:

Hosein's interpretations are heavily influenced by traditional Islamic eschatology, his study of geopolitics, and his unique understanding of Dajjal and modern events. His writings blend Quranic exegesis with commentary on contemporary political affairs, especially the role of Israel, the West, and the global financial system.

His views are considered controversial by some, as they often present a critical stance on modern political developments and highlight conspiratorial elements, particularly regarding Western involvement in the Middle East.


"Jerusalem in the Quran" by Imran Hosein is a detailed exploration of the spiritual, political, and eschatological role of Jerusalem in Islam. The book suggests that the current events surrounding Jerusalem are deeply tied to the fulfillment of Islamic prophecies about the End Times, the rise of Dajjal, and the eventual triumph of truth through the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus) and Imam Mahdi.

This work has resonated with audiences interested in Islamic eschatology, geopolitics, and the religious dimensions of the ongoing conflict over Jerusalem.

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